Just making websites.

There is one secret to getting good in this industry: just make websties. Over the next 30 days I want to make one web site a day spending a minimum of 30 minutes working on the site.

—Ryan LaBouve


What I liked about this sites. The challenges involved


Chuck tongue shank rump boudin tail hamburger ribeye. Shank chuck tri-tip, short ribs ribeye turkey flank andouille brisket chicken. Brisket turducken pancetta biltong salami prosciutto, short loin.


Chuck tongue shank rump boudin tail hamburger ribeye. Shank chuck tri-tip, short ribs ribeye turkey flank andouille brisket chicken. Brisket turducken pancetta biltong salami prosciutto, short loin.


Chuck tongue shank rump boudin tail hamburger ribeye. Shank chuck tri-tip, short ribs ribeye turkey flank andouille brisket chicken. Brisket turducken pancetta biltong salami prosciutto, short loin.


Library Used

Rump capicola pork belly chuck. Fatback cow biltong pork chop tenderloin short loin. Ham pork belly shank leberkas andouille. Sausage t-bone salami tri-tip tail doner swine ball tip. Brisket tenderloin prosciutto, porchetta biltong cow strip steak bresaola hamburger jowl ham rump spare ribs.

Something I left Out

Pork chop capicola ham pork, t-bone cow salami leberkas tongue shoulder hamburger pig beef turkey pancetta. T-bone fatback boudin landjaeger ribeye, bresaola pork shoulder beef ribs ball tip ham hock filet mignon. Pork loin pork chop andouille, cow frankfurter tenderloin flank short ribs turducken pork turkey pancetta meatball pork belly chuck. Pork loin drumstick venison andouille meatloaf tail. Ground round biltong frankfurter shoulder swine flank. Tongue short ribs corned beef brisket drumstick boudin strip steak.

Something Useful I Did

Turkey boudin bacon, corned beef ham hock pork loin doner filet mignon jowl pig flank capicola chuck. Pork belly boudin fatback pork loin, corned beef tri-tip turkey ribeye beef leberkas biltong. Shank ground round spare ribs pancetta kielbasa, jowl hamburger ball tip brisket. Prosciutto pork loin tri-tip, tenderloin shankle doner ground round pig frankfurter pork belly ham hock tongue hamburger jerky. Ham hock beef chuck kielbasa drumstick.